Amateur Astronomer
Welcome to my world. This is a site to showcase my foray into astronomy, DIY, Electronics and just about everything else I love.
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Awards & Recognition
Feb 05 2016 - Won an AAPOD (Amateur Astronomy Picture of the day) for my Helix Image
Latest Work
32 hours of exposure in Ha and O3 10inch F4 Carbon Fibre Newtonian, SBIG STF8300m, Astrodon 3nm O3, Astrodon 5nm Ha, Paramount MyT Eq mount
4 hrs of Ha taken with a WO GT81 Refractor on a Paramount MyT Taken from my backyard in Melbourne
1 x 20min O3 1 x 20min Ha
Processed entirely in Startools, Ha - 7 x 15mins, S2 - 5 x 15mins, O3 - 5 x 15mins. RGB mapped as S2:Ha:O3 with Ha as the Luminance. 10inchF4 Newt, SBIG STF8300m CCD, Orion Steadystar AO, NEQ6Pro, Lodestar X2 guidecam, Baader 7nm filters. Larger version here
Taken with a 10inchF4 Newt from Snake Valley, Vic
24 x 5min L RGB 7 x 10min Taken from Lake Eppalock, vic
5 x 30mins in Ha and O3 10inchF4
IC2944 - Total 4 hours. Very poor seeing LRGB mapped as Ha:SII:Ha:OIII STF8300M mono, 10inchF4 Serrurier Truss, NEQ6Pro Guiding - Lodestar, OAG, phd, Processed in Startools 7x10m Ha 7nm 1x1 8x10m SII 8nm 2x2 7x10m OIII 8.5nm 2x2
Single 30min exposure in Ha
Thor's Helmet is an emission nebula in the constellation Canis Major. The nebula is approximately 15,000 light-years away and 30 light years in size. This is a false colour image taken with narrowband filters.
This image shows clouds of gas and dust where hot new stars are being born and are sculpting their surroundings into odd shapes. But the image also shows the effects of stellar death — filaments created by a supernova explosion This is a false colour image taken with narrowband filters.
About 1hr from Nhill, Vic